Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Ivy Vines Continued

I've painted two types of ivy leaf textures which I can apply to the leaf planes. I started with larger canvasses so that I could paint in all the details and then reduced them to 128x128. As these textures will be used on hundreds of planes in the scene, it is best to keep them low, and they are at such a small scale within the scene that they won't appear too pixelated.   

I've also created a texture for the vine, below. 

Here's how the first ivy vine appears with all the textures applied, including the normal maps. 

I've created some different shaped vines which I've grouped and exported as separate objects so that I can apply them to other models easily in both Maya and Unity.  

I used a point light to quickly test out if the normal maps are working. When I move the light around the leaves show the details of the high poly model which I used as a source for my normal map - so it works!