The groundskeeper's hut is one of the key features of my game level. Even though Alex has also created his own modelled version of the hut, I felt that this was really something I had wanted to work on from the start, especially as architecture is something I enjoy designing and producing.
I felt this was an aspect of the level that could really help to define the aesthetic identity of the game. I had an image already in my mind of the main features of the building, so I sketched the idea out a few times in my sketchbook.
The building needed to look like it was sinking in every way, closer to the ground, to make it feel aged and more like it had been put together by one person. Thinking back to the look of "Dear Esther" as well, I knew I wanted to have lots of foliage climbing the brickwork as well as moss having sprouted on the surface of the roof and bricks. I want to maintain the feeling that nature has taken over this scene, throughout the design of all the models in the level.
The hut in side view. I decided to give the hut an exaggerated roof with a short lower half, which I think makes it look more like a minor building in comparison with the intimidating height of the manor house. Giving the hut these more unusual proportions also gives it more character. The shortness of it does make it feel more as though it is sinking into the soil.
I also made sure to use mainly rectangles and triangles in this design so it fits in with the forms used in the manor house, these harsher angles should feel unforgiving to the player as well as contrasting with the curves and circles of the foliage which will be taking over the rest of the environment.
This is the final colour concept that I will be using to work towards whilst I produce the model. When it comes to creating the textures I may change my ideas for the colours around a little, but this will be my guide. I also want to include the foliage I've drawn here in mind, although that will be added after I've modelled the hard surfaces first.
I started work on the model yesterday and have been continuing today. I have managed to keep to the shapes that I drew in the concepts and keep the poly count low - the main structure is 1178 triangles which is very low, especially for a key asset.
I've been using my figure measure to keep the proportions of the hut right.
The front door knob, I thought a diamond shape would be kind of different.

These are the main sections of the building made, next I just need to start adding things like moss and foliage.