Thursday, 20 March 2014

Manor House Texturing

Continuing with the textures for the house, I feel that so far the parts which are textured seem to be clashing a little. I decided to try some alterations on the corner bricks and the main bricks textures to reach a combination which I felt would work well.  

I thought the best way to do this was create adjustment layers over the original image to tweak the hue and saturation. That way I could make new alterations easily. 

I did try out a greener hue, looking back to my concepts from pre-production, but I felt this in itself clashed too much with the other components of the building that I'd already textured. I'm happy with everything else as it is, so I would rather change the brick texture to work with everything else instead of vice versa. 

I made some tweaks to the corner bricks texture as well, although in the end I went back to the original version.

Next, I've started working on the textures for the steps up to the front door. I started with a base colour layer which I've painted and blended a few tones together to create a stone shade. Above that is the shadow layer, which is where I've used the gradient tool to apply some soft shading to the areas which would naturally have accumulated more dirt.   

Above the shadow layer I created a texture layer, which is where I've used a selection of brushes to give the effect of rough stone. Then the final layer is the dirt layer, which is where I have created some darker patches of grime where other parts of the building meet (such as the base of the balusters) as well as adding some scratches and soil spatters. This is a really important part for all of the textures that I will be making, as every model will need to look like it has been exposed to the elements.    

This is the texture in progress for the stair rail for the front door steps. I'll be using the same type of layer setup that I made for the steps as they are made from the same stone material. 

Here is the texture in progress for the columns placed at the base of the steps. I'm using a similar layering process, but this time with a slightly smoother stone look. I will be adding more dirt and grime to it.

All of today's textures as they appear on the models so far, including the balusters.