Sunday, 18 May 2014

Graves and Steps

To fill out the level some more, I'm now adding the more minor models. First I'm adding a couple of Alex's gravestones. I've had to reduce the mesh again as they were much too high poly than is necessary (you can see my reduced mesh versions in the middle of the image below), then I've mapped and textured them.  

I also made a little alterations by using the sculpt geometry tool to make the surface of the stones more uneven as though they have become weather-worn. 

The finished stones as they appear in gameplay.

Next there are the steps which I started modelling at the end of January, however I put them on hold to focus on the more important features of the level. 

I used the booleans>difference method to create some chipping and cracks in the model. 

Next is the mapping and texturing. I've used the same texture for each step, but moved the UVs around to make each one look slightly different.